In the midst of the pandemic, between life and death, a female Tropical Body finds itself trapped miles away from its natural habitat. How would she deal with the loss of a beloved father? How does she survive physically and mentally in such a cold, hard, and lonely place? Tropical Body-Summer season is directed by Patricia Azevedo. The project is a short experimental film.

From this provocation comes the "Projeto 4Seasons" , with the performance "TROPICAL BODY" filmed at High Park/ Lake Shore Boulevard in Toronto, which was the place of contact for the performer Patricia Azevedo, creator of the project. The creation started from the observation of the passage of time, seen in the seasons of the year, giving rise to performances - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall - with the body placed in front of the sensations caused by the environment of nature.
Summer is the third TROPICAL BODY video, part of Projeto 4Seasons - There was a big heat wave in the Summer of 2021, a lot of people died from heat stroke. The environment has drastically changed, even with the idea of people using less commuting, it was just an illusion that the world was getting better.
Patricia Azevedo is from Brazil and based in Canada as a dancer, producer, director, creator and performer of the Projeto 4Seasons with "Tropical Body" - Winter season. She spent part of her childhood between movements, performing and dancing in different styles. She graduated from Contemporary Dance by Angel Vianna Dance School and participated for the opening of Panorama Festival 2003 with Gustavo Ciriaco in City of arts. She was the owner of Bellas Artes Guest House, one of the pioneers in the concept of cultural hospitality in Rio de Janeiro launching young artists in the performance, music, fashion and visual arts. Patricia has moved to Toronto in 2017, where she began developing Projeto 4Seasons provoked by social isolation due to COVID 19 Pandemic.
How did you start making films?
I started making films due to Covid 19. I was stuck in Canada and wasn’t able to leave
the country. Working in the film industry is a new experience in my life. I'm a contemporary
dancer and entrepreneur. I never thought about the possibility of making movies until the
What makes you fascinated with the cinematic language and experimental genre?
I've always been curious about avant-garde cinema as an audience. Leaving the
traditional narrative of conventional films awakened in me several sensations of being able
to have the freedom to have my own view, an almost childlike look in which you can have
different perceptions running away from the obvious. Experimental cinema allows me to
present my vision without feeling insecure with my little experience and low budget.

Please tell us about the making of Tropical Body?
Making “Tropical Body” was quite unpretentious. I was very thoughtful about the future
during my daily walk at High Park in the middle of lockdown when I had an idea to do an
experimental video dance, it was December 2020 extremely cold. I never thought that my
first video Tropical Body - Winter* would develop for the other seasons and become a project
“Tropical Body - Projeto 4seasons”. I made 5 short experimental movies in one year. At the
same time, it has helped me in many aspects of my life. Professional because I never
imagined myself working with cinema within my experience as a performer. In my personal
life I went through very delicate situations like the passing of my beloved father and uncle
due to Covid 19. As a Brazilian woman and a new immigrant in the northern lands (I
emigrated to Canada in 2017) I can say that I am a “Tropical Body” that was trapped in this
icy northern lands because of the lockdown and for being from a country that is going
through serious political problem due to the new president who has extreme right tendencies
and initially did not believe in Covid -19 I wasn’t allow to go back to Brazil and support my
family . According to the government's official website, 681,253k died as a consequence of
Covid 19.
Making Tropical Body was a mix of feelings where I could use my experience as a performer,
learn a lot from what happens behind the scenes. Producing cinema was innovative in my
life, I transformed pain into joy of creating, learning and expanding as a human being in a
new language.
*Tropical Body - Winter is a part of the “Projeto 4 seasons” which was selected by Montreal
Independent Film Festival 2022 in January.
Tropical Body - Spring unfortunately had no budget to apply.
Tropical Body - Summer has been nominated for the Montreal Independent Film Festival
2022 in August.
What is the most challenging thing about making and distributing an experimental short film?
The most challenging was finding people who really believed in my project, with such a
low budget and no experience. I have been learning a lot about it for the last year and half
with no specific education in the field. The only thing that I have was my pain and the desire
to tell a little bit of my story to people through art. I believe it was the only tool I could
express myself.
Why does the experimental genre stand out more than other genres to you?
As a new professional in several aspects in this field, experimental cinema allows me to
play with my gaze without many defined rules.
Why do you want to make films?
I assume that making this film was a gate to saving life in this certain time.
How does the cinematic language change the way people think in society?
In my opinion, cinema is one of the most democratic arts for people from different social
classes with different backgrounds. Perhaps the experimental genre may be more related to
a specific type of people. However, Cinema can be the step to influence people's education.
I come from a country with a high rate of illiteracy and I believe that cinema can inspire
What is your next film project?
My plan is to work as much as I can with “Tropical Body / Projeto 4seasons” and expand
to different fields. I would like to do an art exhibition in different continents and observe the
behavior of different societies under the pandemic aspect.
What does it feel to be an indie female director in the film industry?
To be a woman in any professional sector is always a huge challenge. I always
appreciate the opportunity to be heard.
What is it like to perform and direct an art film at the same time?
It was one of the best experiences of my life, where I could have the freedom to express
myself without fear of being judged. Believe in my guts. To seek my positivity in various
moments of difficulty and tension. Also I had a wonderful team, this film wouldn’t be possible
without them. I don't consider myself as an artist, a performer or a director but I see myself in
moments of explosion of creativity and I have the need to express myself to the world. I
found art film was my tool for this moment.
I hope I can touch people's hearts and bring some reflections.
Watch the film: