If you were wondering when movies about the pandemic were going to start being made, wonder no more – the first one has already premiered. Covid-19 vs The Magic City is directed by Paul Brenno and has won the award of Best Documentary of the month from Toronto Short Film Channel. The film was selected in Montreal Short Film Awards and later screened and awarded in Toronto.
The documentary is described as a film which deals with the impacts of Covid-19 and how people and businesses struggle. Paul has created a very touching documentary in these challenging times.
Brenno’s career started in the US Air Force, where he served for four years. Then he received a BA from Montana State School of Film. This start, plus a lot of hard work, has allowed him to master his talents in creating award winning commercials, documentaries, web-series, educational short films, corporate / marketing videos, Christian outreach videos, as well as 30 minute weekly TV programs.
Other awards Brenno has won include Best Director: Honorable Mention for Feature Documentary, Best Cinematography (documentary, commercial to music video), Best Editing, and Gold Winner for Best Music Video to Best Commercial.
If you’re curious to see Paul Brenno’s work you can visit his website for examples and a demo reel. In order to keep up to date on all of his projects his Facebook page can be found here.