The "movements." project is a filmic anthology of some of the best in Canadian poetry. The short experimental film is a nominee of the summer/2022 festival. The Canadian art film project is directed by Kevin Andrew Heslop.
Kevin Andrew Heslop (b. 1992) is a polydisciplinary doofus whose debut poetry collection, the correct fury of your why is a mountain, appeared with Gordon Hill Press in 2021 and whose work as a poet, filmmaker, curator, actor, playwright, and journalist has appeared or is forthcoming, respectively, with Knife | Fork | Book (2023), Baseline Press (2023), Guernica Editions (2022), Collusion Books (2021), The Fiddlehead (2020), Anstruther Press (2020), and Frog Hollow Press (2019); Astoria Pictures (2022-), the plumb (2022), the Toronto Short Film Festival (2022), the Los Angeles International Film Festival (2022), the Milan Gold Awards (2022), and the Paris Play International Film Festival (2022); Westland Gallery (2023), Heaven Scent (2022), and McIntosh Gallery (2022); TAP: Centre for Creativity (2019), The Grand Theatre (McManus Stage, 2017), Purple Shorts (2018), and TAP Centre for Creativity (2017); TAP Centre for Creativity (2022); and The /tƐmz/ Review (2018-2022), The Devil's Artisan (2021), and Hamilton Arts and Letters (2020). A Buddhist of English and Danish descent, his practice is located just southwest of where Deshkan Ziibi antlers unceded through London Township Treaty (1796) territory.
Click to watch movements.